Cllr. Elaine Hills
BH2022/03810 – 15-26 Lincoln Cottages
22nd January 2023:
I wish to lodge a councillor's objection to the proposed development at Lincoln Cottages. I consider the scale and density of the proposals to be an overdevelopment of the site, in one of Brighton's already most densely populated
areas. Other reasons to object are:
· Neighbouring properties will be impacted by a loss of light and privacy, with the promixity of the new houses to some existing properties unacceptable.
· Windows on the first and second floors of houses in the new development would overlook the rear windows and elevations of houses nearby. The green roof areas could be used by the residents of the new properties as roof terraces, which would give direct views into neighbouring windows and gardens as well as being a potential noise nuisance.
· While the development is car free, there is likely to be an increase in an already contrained area, due to extra deliveries and visitors.
· The track onto the site is too narrow for the scale of the development. Emergency access will be difficult, and fire engines will not be able to access it.
· The refuse storage arrangement is inappropriate. The bins for the entire site are going to be situated in the narrow alleyway close to the back doors of properties on Lincoln Street and next to a property on Lincoln Cottages. This will negatively effect residents living there; there is likely to be waste odour and noise from the storage area, and there are fears that it could become a hotspot for fly tipping.
· There are concerns about the management of drainage on the site. The ongoing maintenance of the SuDS scheme needs to be set out more clearly to ensure that the site is not at risk long-term of flooding.
· The design of the properties is out of keeping with the Victorian architectural style of Hanover.
· Floorspace has been lost to small businesses; former longstanding occupiers of studios and workshops in the space have been driven out by the developers.
I am willing to speak on this at committee.